4 Jul 2024

1 Min Read

Is B2B SaaS Overcrowded?


Everyone is talking about how B2B SaaS is overcrowded, and for every problem, there are 100 solutions out there.

What folks don’t realise is that riches lie in niches.

When all large categories are built, there are many categories of one.

For example, there are 100s of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools out there, but building for verticals might be the best strategy you can adopt right now.

I don’t remember the largest CRM tool for the construction industry or even in construction, the CRM for modular construction. Super Verticals SaaS would be the right market for founders to attack right now, and going into verticals, which are the most boring ones, such as manufacturing, textile, construction, oil and gas, and many others.

~You~ need domain expertise to build for these verticals, so your first step is to get a co-founder who has spent 10/20 years in technology in these verticals.

Similarly, other areas to explore are in Cloud Services. Amazon Web Services has more than 200 services/products. If you pick one of those services and build a better tool than AWS, you would get a mind share of so many developers.

Siddhartha Ahluwalia

I am Managing Partner at Neon Fund, B2B SaaS Fund investing in pre seed and seed stage B2B SaaS companies built by Indian founders and building for US Market. I am also host of Neon Show podcast, which I & Nansi started in 2018, one of the most listened podcast in the Indian Startup Ecosystem. I started Adddodoc, B2B SaaS CRM for Pediatricians in 2012, which got acquired by Sheroes in 2017. In 2019 I worked for VC firm Prime Ventures and in 2020 I worked for Amazon Web Services as the Head of SaaS Ecosystem for India for Startup BD India team My skills are starting companies from 0-1, and Go to Market in the US for B2B SaaS startups from 0 to $10M ARR is my forte. We are the only few VC funds globally that are practitioners of GTM ourselves.

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